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November 2024

First prototype of a reflectarray

We have just finished the building of our first reflect-array panel following a series of successful dry run tests!


The prototype provides gain over 40 dBi with size of less than 0.2 square meter! the system is capable of operating at Ka-band Rx and Tx. Such an antenna system can be used in many different segments for various applications, e.g. mobile very light SATCOMs systems, or in space segment as foldable compact system for small satellites.


The next step in 2025 will be to make a foldable system and consequently testing it with a satellite link! these are very exciting times for us, which allow us to provide, very soon, very powerful concepts at mature system for the SATCOM market.

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April 2024

ECR Based Electrical Thruster

We proudly finished our detail study of feasibility and system design of an ECR based thruster for one of our best clients.

This work proves the low-cost manufacturing feasibility. As well, it provides the detail system design and road map to start building the prototype in this year!

The analysis guarantees a Thrust of 40mN, at specific Impulse of minimum 1800s! all these at lowest possible cost to beat the market.


March 2024

Field Test for ILKA System

We performed successfully the RF test and verified high performance of the system!
We are proud to have completed the detail design of the RF and electronics.
The system is unique in terms of lowest weight and smallest volume in the world.

February 2024

Rf & Electronics Design for ILKA System

Proudly we finished the detail design and analysis of RF and electronics for this unique antenna system. As well, many chances are introduced and investigated in our resulted works, which they will give a boost to the ILKA system, for many newly emerged important applications, among them modern LEO satellites and CubeSat projects. As final part a roadmap was provided to indicate the main steps forward.

We use this chance and thank you all the team's members for your great support and hard work. Our special thanks goes to DLR(Germany Aerospace Center) for co-funding the whole project and their supports.


January 2024

SmallSat Propulsion


We are glad to announce that Blue Orion Technology and Pale Blue are putting their efforts together to prompt their activities, services and products in the satellite industry, focused on the field of space segment, starting from January 2024. This cooperation allows both companies to benefit from the created synergy at its highest level. Both companies are then capable of filling gaps, attract more attention of customers, open doors to new opportunities and reach capabilities, which are beyond the abilities of their peers. The exponential growths in CubeSat and small satellite industry are welcoming such unique team works and let us to be more relevant for the major industry player.

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